What We've Done


A Rapid Response from Young People – A short piece produced with the with the FADA Project (Farranree Alcohol and Drugs Awareness Project) where young people interviewed other young people about what improvements they would like to see in their area. The project was funded by Rapid Cork and was used to inform their planning for the area. 

Film-making workshops with Transition Year Students from Douglas Community School and Mercy Heights Secondary School in Skibereen. Over ten weeks, students learnt the basics of film-making and developed an idea for a short film which they then shot and performed in.

Film-making workshops for Killarney Summerfest – A group of young people learn the basics of film-making and put it to practice by producing a short documentary on the festival taking place in Killarney.

The Beach Project – Frameworks was commissioned by East Cork Area Development to document and edit a short piece on an environmental arts project taking place on the beaches of East Cork.

Youth Policy and Participation – a short piece produced with UCC and East Cork Youthreach on the transition for young people on leaving school and some of the challenges they face along the way.